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Common Overlay Settings




The settings available for an overlay depend on the parent cell.  If a setting is not shown for an overlay, the setting does not apply to the parent cell.  An overlay may have the following common settings divided into pages:



Colors Page (Box Only)


·Cursor Label Background - Background color for the cursor tracking value label.

·Cursor Label Text - Text color for the cursor tracking value label.

·Grid - Line color for the chart area grid.

·Session Breaks - Line color for the chart area session breaks.

·Text - Text color for the chart and legend areas.

·Ticker Background - Default background color for the ticker symbol.

·Ticker Text - Default text color for the ticker symbol.

·Time Area Background - Background color for the time area.

·Time Area Lines - Line color for the time area.

·Time Area Text - Text color for the time area.

·Value Area Background - Background color for the value area.

·Value Area Lines - Line color for the value area.

·Value Area Text - Text color for the value area.



Display Page


·Background (Chart Only) - If checked, the overlay is drawn in the background layer behind the grid and foreground overlay layers.

·Height - Preferred screen height for overlay.

·Default - If selected, allows parent cell to determine height.

·Font Scale - If selected, uses fixed height of font scaled by specified amount.

·Pixels - If selected, uses fixed pixel height.

·Minimum Pixels - If checked, specifies the minimum number of pixels for height.

·Maximum Pixels - If checked, specifies the maximum number of pixels for height.

·Hidden - If checked, overlay is hidden in parent cell.  If parent cell does not allow hidden overlays, this setting is not available.

·Maximum Bars (Box Only) - Preferred maximum interval bars to appear in overlay.  The default overlay width is determined by the Maximum Bars and the scaling page Bar Scale setting.  If the overlay type does not have bars, this setting is not available.

·Show Crosshairs (Box Only) - If checked, crosshairs will be drawn over the chart area to indicate the bar and value level for the mouse cursor position.

·Show Cursor Label (Box Only) - If checked, the value label for the mouse cursor position will be displayed in the value area.

·Show Grid (Box Only) - If checked, horizontal and vertical grid lines will be drawn at key times and value levels.

·Show In Legend (Chart Only) - If checked, overlay will appear in legend area for parent cell.  The parent cells Show Legend setting must be checked to show any overlays in legend.

·Show In Tracker - If checked, the overlay will appear in cursor tracking cell.  The parent cells Cursor Tracking setting must be checked to show any overlays in tracker cell.

·Show Session Breaks (Box Only) - If checked, vertical lines will be drawn between market sessions.

·Show Ticker (Box Only) - If checked, symbol ticker will appear in overlay area.

·Show Time Area (Box Only) - If checked, the time area will appear below the chart panes indicating key dates and times for the visible bars.

·Show Value Labels - If checked, value labels for the right-most overlay bar will be displayed in the value area.  An overlay must have Show Value Label checked to appear in the value area.

·Show Value Area On Left (Box Only) - If checked, a value area will appear to the left of the chart panes.

·Show Value Area On Right (Box Only) - If checked, a value area will appear to the right of the chart panes.



General Page


·Caption - Name to use for overlay when a shorter name is preferred.

·Interval - Bar interval to use for overlay data.  If set to Default, the default interval of the parent cell will be used.  If parent cell does not allow overlay intervals, this setting is not shown.



Scaling Page


·Axis Scale - Preferred scale for range of vertical axis.

·Default - If selected, allows parent cell to determine scale.

·Linear - If selected, uses linear scale for value range.

·Semi-Log - If selected, uses semi-log scale for value range.

·Bar Scale - A value from 1 to 20 used to scale the width of a single bar.  A scale of 1 uses the minimum bar width.  If the overlay type does not have bars, this setting is not available.

·Range - Preferred value range for vertical axis.

·Default - If selected, allows parent cell to determine range.

·Entire Series - If selected, uses value range for entire series of interval bars currently loaded.

·Fixed - If selected, uses fixed value range.

·Minimum - Specifies minimum value for fixed range.  If Fixed is not selected, this setting is not available.

·Maximum - Specifies maximum value for fixed range.  If Fixed is not selected, this setting is not available.

·Visible Bars - If selected, uses value range for visible interval bars.



Settings Page


·Overlays will place their type-specific settings on this page.  To find out information on type-specific settings, please consult the help topics for the specific overlay type.