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Block Chart Cell Settings




The block chart cell has the following settings divided into pages:



Colors Page


·Background - Default background color for overlays.

·Caption Background - Background color for caption row.

·Caption Text - Text color for caption row.

·Empty - Background color for empty areas of the chart.

·Error Background - Background color for symbol with data or display error.

·Error Text - Text color for symbol with data or display error.

·Grid Lines - Line color for the grid separating blocks.

·Selected Background - Background color for selected label row or symbol.

·Selected Text - Text color for selected label row or symbol.

·Text - Default text color for overlays.

·Update Background - Background color for indicating updated symbol.

·Update Text - Text color for indicating updated symbol.



Data Page


·Data Source - Default data source for overlays.  If set to Default, data source for parent window will be used.

·Interval - Default bar interval for overlays.  If set to Default, interval for parent window will be used.



Link Data As Page


·Allow Linking - If checked, the cell will allow linking its data using the specified name and color.  Other cells may then link directly to the cell data by selecting the name and color pair.

·Color - Color to use for data link.

·Name - Name to use for data link.



Overlays Page


·List of overlays available for display.  Only the active overlay is draw.  If Enabled is checked, the overlay will be available for use.  For further information on managing an object item list or changing overlay settings, please consult the Built-in Object Settings topic or the specific topics for the appropriate built-in box overlay type.



Pages Page


·List of pages displayed in the page bar.  Each chart page may specify a list of symbol sections.  If there is only one chart page, the page bar is not displayed.  If Enabled is checked, the page will be available for use.  For further information on managing an object item list or changing symbol sections page settings, please consult the Built-in Object Settings or Symbol Sections Page Settings topics.



Settings Page


·Cursor Tracking - If checked, the symbol bar at the mouse cursor position will be sent to the selected Tracker cell.  If set to Default, the nearest Tracker cell will be located for displaying tracking information.  An overlay must have the Show In Tracker checked to appear in the Tracker cell.

·Show Grid Lines - If checked, horizontal and vertical grid lines will be drawn separating the label rows and symbol boxes.

·Show Update Indications For X Seconds - If checked, symbols that have changed will be drawn using the Update Background and Text colors for a given number of seconds before reverting back to normal colors.

·Sort Every X Seconds - If checked, symbols of each section will be sorted every time a given number of seconds have elapsed.